We are where we are in life based on the decisions we have made up to this point.  This is a very empowering insight because if we don’t like where we are, we can make different choices.  After all, it is said that doing the same thing over and over again expecting different results is the definition of insanity.

So the big question right now is, “Is this you?”  If the answer is “Yes”, then the next question is, “What are some different decisions I can make to improve or change my life circumstances?”  The great news is that you really get to choose.  You may be saying, “Right, Becky, that might work for others, you don’t understand, if only this or that was different then I could do things differently, and on and on.”

When you find yourself making excuses and justifying where you are in life and business, you are ultimately choosing to remain in a victim story.  You are defending your comfort zone and not willing to take 100% responsibility for your life.  The only one who can make your life/work situation better is YOU!

What you are is what you have been and what you will be is what you do now.
~ Buddha

Today, you are at cause, you are the co-creator of your reality.  The big question is really, “Do you want to remain stuck, or do you want to stretch and shift into a new paradigm?”  Consequently, the decision is yours.

“Who do you want to be in life?  What do you want to experience?  What do you want?”  When the pain of staying where you are is greater than the fear of breaking free, you will begin to live a new and very exciting life.

However, this was definitely my story and the story of all of my clients.  At the age of 40, I woke up and looked around at my life.  I realized 1/2 of my life was over and all my dreams and desires I had as a child were nowhere close to happening.  As a result, I began to do things differently.  Some of the decisions I made differently are:

  1. Letting go of my belief that I was stupid and obtaining my Master degree.
  2. Saying “YES, to my dream of having a Global Business!”
  3.  Attending Global Events to meet global leaders.
  4.  Saying yes to offers to work with them.

Was I afraid?  Yes.  Did I do it anyway?  Yes.  As a result, I have a life and business beyond my imagination.  Was it worth the fear?  Hell YA!

Finally, I invite you to say “Hell, YA!” to your dreams and make new decisions.  You will love your life.