As with all journeys, they begin way before reaching your final destination.  My journey to Kenya began before I even knew I was on a journey to Kenya.  It began in India while my daughter, Mary (age 14) and I were speaking at the Global Women’s Economic Forum in 2016; here is the link,  At this forum, we became aware that girls in developing countries missed school because they had limited access to feminine products and basic feminine hygiene. I learned that many of them stay home sitting on straw or cow manure, some of them use cardboard candy boxes and cotton and others use old rags and/or banana leaves to manage their menstrual cycle. It triggered all the drama and shame I had experienced around my period. My mind was blown-this situation was unacceptable and something had to be done! This is the 21st Century, after all!

I came home knowing in the depth of my being, I had to take action. This thought, this idea pulled me into action and opened a portal through which the Universe came to greet me.  People  and information began to show up out of the blue to help and support these girls.  I thought I would be heading back to India but my connections there did not pan out. Then I connected with a long time friend, Marilyn Sorensen, owner of Soul Safari and who lives in Kenya.  She said that she was an Ambassador for Days for Girls, a non-profit organization which educates and trains volunteers globally to make and distribute reusable panty-liners for girls. Here is a link if you would like more information,   She went on to share about all the work she was doing in Kenya to help women and girls.  The more I learned the more excited and passionate I became.


Finally, I approached my daughter, Mary to partner with me and take this on as her Girl Scout Gold Award Project. It would be a Win/Win/Win scenario. Win for the Girls/Win for her and her Girl Scout Project/ and a Win for my heart.  She said, “Yes!

Our journey of partnering with others and focusing on being change agents for the highest good of all, is the story I’d like to share.  This will take several blogs to cover all the ins and outs of this project, the lessons learned and the lasting impact.  I hope you will join me in this reflection of the power of saying “YES” to the “Still Small Voice” within us all.