• • Deep Insights to how to live and work authentically.
  • • Inspired Action steps that will help you experience a more full and empowered life.
  • • How to incorporate mindfulness in your life so that you may leave a legacy of meaningful contribution.


A Transformative Daily Practice
Your Guide to Connecting with Spirit

Listening to God is a simple practice and when practiced daily, it will open the pathway to the Indwelling Spirit of God. Listening to God is a way of discovering the truth about yourself and deepening your relationship with your Creator. This guide offers you a few suggestions for those who are truly Honest, Open, and Willing to try.

Also over the next few days, I’ll be sharing 3 powerful videos to help you transform.

It is imperative to have a healthy and truthful idea of God. These truths come from the experience of thousands of people, and Spiritual Masters around the world. Feel free to add your own name for God. Review these Truths prior to beginning.

Many blessings to you,

Becky J. Benes